Questão 04 – ENEM 2024

Questão 04 – ENEM 2024

I remember being caught speaking Spanish at recess I remember being sent to the corner of the classroom for “talking back” to the Anglo teacher when alI I was trying to do was tell her how to pronounce my name. “if you want to be American, speak ‘American’. if you don’t like it, go back to Mexico where you belong”.

“I want you to speak English […]”, my mother would say, mortified that I spoke English like a Mexican. At Pan American University, I and all Chicano students were required to take two speech classes. Their purpose: to get rid of our accents.

ANZALDÚA, O. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1987.

O problema abordado nesse texto sobre imigrantes residentes nos Estados Unidos diz respeito aos prejuízos gerados pelo(a)

A) repúdio ao sotaque espanhol no uso do inglês.

B) resignação diante do apagamento da língua materna.

C) escassez de oportunidades de aprendizado do espanhol.

D) choque entre falantes de línguas distintas de diferentes gerações.

E) concorrência entre as variações linguísticas do inglês e as do espanhol.


O texto demonstra um repúdio ao sotaque espanhol ao usar o inglês, evidenciado nos trechos: “If you want to be American, speak ‘American’.” e “I want you to speak English […]”, my mother would say, mortified that I spoke English like a Mexican. “

Alternativa A

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